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Nobody will trade for you for free. The truth is that Dual Robot is based on a white label crappy binary options software that generate losses in the long term. Dual Robot allegedly has a 89. Dual Robot is just another binary options scam robot based on a widely used losing software, so stay away from it. But with real money it is losing. Look at the picture on the right to see the comparison, it obviously is the same software, no doubts about it whatsoever. And we have a lot of feedback from people using this software under different brands and losing money with it. It even uses a fake demo, it fakes demo results to make you believe that it works. There are no free profitable binary options robots. If you really want to make money with binary options, you have to learn trading and build a profitable method on a true demo account. Unfortunately anybody can buy this white label robot, place their logo on it and start scamming people.

These guys support scams and it obviously is not a problem for them. Look at the picture to see proofs. In this Dual Robot review you will find proofs that it is a binary options scam that can only lose your money. Scams almost always support their claims with fake testimonials and Dual Robot is no different. Fiverr actors were hired to endorse the Dual Robot scam. So what is Dual Robot really about? It is very simple, it is used as an affiliate tool to send new depositors to binary options brokers.


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